The oldest soap in the world...

See our soaps

...with exceptional benefits

See our soaps

Report on the Zanabili soap factory - Meeting with my father, Abdel Zanabili

The pearl of Aleppo and its ancient oriental shop - Mazag

Our testimonies

"Before discovering Zanabili's Aleppo soap, I shaved with industrial shaving foam and I always had irritation problems... When I first shaved with their soap, my skin was almost no longer irritated and I didn't even need to apply aftershave anymore..."

Nabil M.

“I suffer from psoriasis. During one of my visits to Mazag and after discussion with Mr. Zanabili, the manager, she recommended Laurel oil and Aleppo soap to apply to the affected areas. "It really helped and relieved me. Being attracted to everything natural, I was won over! "

Amel K.

"I had virulent eczema all over my body which I tried to treat in several ways without success. When I started using Mazag soap, the symptoms of my eczema quickly diminished..."

Salma C.

" Liquid soap is perfect for making magnificent shower lotions! As for laurel oil, it worked miracles on the hands of a friend who had suffered for decades from a strange keratosis on the hands, which no dermatologist failed to resolve

Luisa. R