Aleppo soap Bern

Perle d'Alep Berne has been supplying you with Aleppo soaps for several years. Our Zanabili family, owns two soap factories and began crafting soap in 1823 in one and in 1824 in the other as an accessory commercial activity, to become the main activity in 1842. Then, this profession was transmitted from father to son for centuries, until our grandfather, Mr. Zahed Zanabili, who sold, among other things, planes to Switzerland. Until today, the manufacturing method has remained unchanged since antiquity (Aleppo Berne soap).

The value of a real Aleppo soap lies in the dosage and quality of the two oils that constitute it. This is what will determine its therapeutic benefits but also its price. It is therefore important to ensure that the price corresponds to the dosage of laurel oil communicated by the merchant, and that the merchant is honest about it.

It is also essential that Aleppo soap can breathe during its life, whether it is in a warehouse, on the shelves of a store, in a bathroom or even packaged in belongings. This is why plastic packaging for reasons of economy is not appropriate.

The Zanabili house attaches fundamental importance to the manufacturing, storage and delivery processes, and certifies an exceptional dosage of laurel oil of 70% as well as storage and delivery in impeccable conditions. For example, all the movements of our soaps are carried out in canvas bags or in cardboard (Aleppo Berne soap).

Aleppo soap Bern